
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend dumped me, all because he's scared of my mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 207
You deserved it 5 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

littlegold 7

Haha, your not the first one... It has happened to me.


That is a very valid reason! Multiple times, I have considered that option, with my wife, non the less. Although, I am sorry for your whole predicament….

That's why you shouldnt bring your boyfriend to your house smart shit LOL

Enforcer 7

Wow. I'm afraid of my girlfriends mother but not enough to dump her. Love Conquers All

gabbiechaoss 5

It could be worse. I was at my cousins house one time and my aunt made her boyfriend cry.

There's a girl I like and who is awesome, but I'm afraid of dating her because her parents are right wing religious nuts. If your boyfriend has a similarly valid reason, I can agree with him.

perdix 29

That's one of the few *legitimate* reasons to dump someone. If your mom is a scary, battle axe now, he knows that eventually you are going to become a scary battle axe!