Safe as milk

By unsurprised - 28/02/2010 10:51 - United States

Today, I visited my friend in a nasty part of town. When I saw the shattered window of the car next to me, and the missing stereo, I moved my car to a safer location. Luckily, though, I have a common car, so the thieves were able to jimmy the lock and steal my stereo without making any noise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 743
You deserved it 3 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And apparently people of any age, sex or ethnicity can have the grammar of a mongoloid snail.


Shae84 0

45- Get your illiterate ass off the computer and go read a book or two.

missmarley93 1

were you in dove springs? lol that's a really bad area in austin.

Or Houston. Seeing as how I'm a HPD officer, and my wife grew up in a rough part of Houston as well, I can draw you a map of all the ghetto areas from memory. I've had to take down so many wannabe drug dealers and pimps, I can tell you that about the only effective car security mechanism would probably be a Glock.

missmarley93 1

yeah, I forgot houston as well. my uncle is a cop and i've heard all kinds of crazy stories.

dg72592_fml 0

next time you're in the ghetto take the bus... public transport all the way...

dg72592_fml 0

why would you guys say "YDI for having friends in the ghetto", that's ******* out of line. honestly stop being judgemental

wait saying your in the nasty part if town is racist? waaa? that's strange cause assiming it's rAcist is racist

ohhdamn 0

add a car alarm to your car. I had my car radio stolen 3 times from crap cars. one time the cops sent me a letter stating they got my radio and I should come and claim it. I went to claim it only to find an unknown cop had stolen it.