Running late

By Anonymous - 02/09/2020 23:01

Today, my in-laws missed a special event for my newborn child because they were running an hour late. They always run late and always think its funny. After 15 years, it's just not funny anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 658
You deserved it 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's their problem not yours. They just missed out on their grand kids special occasion...

genuinegoodguy 9


tounces7 27

If it's that important to you for them to be there, just tell them things always start 30 minutes earlier than they really do.

bloopaloop 27

My family does that too sometimes. My wife and I say “Party starts at 11, cake will be cut at noon”. Then we are happy to see who we see and really don’t care about anyone’s schedules.

bobsanction 18

After 15 years you should have learned better than to expect any different.

Has anyone tried giving a time an hour later than actual time? So they turn up not halfway through but after everyone is leaving/has left? You snooze, you lose!

"They always run late and always think its funny." Tell them to come an hour early and laugh when they arrive on time!

ForeverAlone89 10

Why not make sure that they “know” it’s an hour earlier than everyone else? That way they can continue to act like assholes only to be on time?

TomeDr 24

They think it’s funny? I wonder how many weddings, funerals, parties etc they’ve missed because of their strange sense of humor. My cousin and his wife are perpetually 2 hours behind. What irritated me was when they put 5 o’clock on their wedding invitations and in reality their wedding was for 5:30. They assumed EVERYONE would run late and they didn’t want anyone to miss it.

westoz 24

Agree it’s not funny. It’s disrespectful. I’d say don’t invite them to much or if you do, tell them the event starts an hour or two before it actually does.

My family does a mix of things because my dad is always late. Has been since birth. So family tells us 1 time knowing he’ll be running late and they also say starts at X but food by Y. This way we’re not late anymore. Some people just lose time. We’d never laugh when late tho. We were embarrassed and apologized every time.

I would think that after 15 years, you would be smart enough to tell them your events are stating earlier than you actually have them planned for.

I would think that after 15 years, you would be smart enough to tell them your events are stating earlier than you actually have them planned for.