
By Anonymous - 08/10/2021 11:00 - Australia - Vermont

Today, I have come to the conclusion that my fiancé is the most selfish person I know. I can't talk to him about it, because the conversation will just turn on how I'm the worst person he knows. I don't know what to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 875
You deserved it 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what you need to do. Break up and call off the wedding before it’s too late. A ring on his finger isn’t going to make him less selfish or improve your communication.

You know exactly what to do. LEAVE HIM!! Love yourself and know your worth and leave!


KingCassie 9

Girl, even if he controls the money, you can still leave! Seek help in the form of a place to live through your family or even shelter services. You got this! Please update us when you've gone,you deserve happiness in life, never misery.

Run. my fiancé was, too. After 13 years together, 11 married, I realized that I couldn't take the complete neglect for my feelings anymore. I'm leaving.

You don't know what to do? Dump his ass. That's the blueprint for a very long, unhappy, unhealthy relationship. Get out now while you still can before all the lawyers and arguments over who owns what.

fluffnugget 4

you need to find a better partner. you deserve better.....

randybryant799 20