Rule 34

By Anonymous - 02/09/2015 15:26 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, I let my 9-year-old daughter use my tablet while I made her dinner. A few minutes later, she let out a blood-curdling scream. Turned out she'd searched for My Little Pony pictures and stumbled upon a drawing of Rainbow Dash giving another pony a blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 510
You deserved it 5 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

install a blocker to hide XXX content. all children's shows nowadays are being corrupted by the internet. hopefully she isn't traumatized


Wyrmflight 13

a lot of people are saying ydi for not having a blocker or safesearch on, but seriously so many of these pictures are not flagged for mature content and show up anyways.

There's fans tagging things as unsafe. I'm on Google and I'm not finding straight ****, I've found a handful of images out of three full searches so far that I'm tagging.

This is why the normal fans like me can't have nice things

Irishae 16

Rule 34 of the internet: If it exists, there's **** about it.

You really need to put on safe search, she could've searched ANYTHING. MLP fans actually went through the images and made sure the **** images would be blocked for this reason.

As a brony myself, I do personally find the pornography disgusting and not necessary for any reason, it's probably what gives the fandom a bad wrap that and the fact that some of us can be super annoying

Rap. The word you are looking for is rap. As in rap sheet. Slang for criminal record. You are not an undelicious food item consisting of one item rolled up in another, thus it is not a "bad wrap."

Thanks, I think because of my extensive use of spell correct I have forgotten about the English language

that was extreeeeemely responsible of you ..