By A girl - 27/06/2011 07:55 - Netherlands

Today, it has been 8 months since I started a photography project in which I would take a picture of the same tree every day for a year. I just heard a noise outside. They cut the tree down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 798
You deserved it 4 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kristen2322 0

That's so sad. You can keep doing the project and just show the stump. Turn it into some artsy go green anti-human thing.


Holly shit, OP, don't be such a beech, and don't pine over your loss. You have to cedar forest for the trees here. Just tell yourself that everything will be oak. Maple the stump will grow some interesting firieties of flora. You need to cypress on with your project. You never know - you may be able to spruce up your project and have it end up being the most poplar in the class. Good luck.

mandalore92 0
SteelCladAngel 0
BrittanyPernell6 0

apparently he does, duh, or he MAKES time for his FML fans

your comment was very deciduous fine sir

FYL, OP... Wait, what? DocBastard isn't the OP? I surly thought that his post was a FML. Oh well. Maybe next time you'll actually "win."

Dasuss- I surely have no freaking idea what the hell you're talking about.

DocBastard- orly? do u no how 2 wead ann wite¿

Don't feed the troll. Don't feed the troll. Don't feed the... No seriously, what the **** are you talking about? Is this just you being a contrarian **** just for the sake of looking like a cockweasel? If so, mission accomplished. Shit, I fed the troll, didn't I?

I read that whole "Don't feed the troll" shit on another FML posted about a year ago and you're the one who said it. So my only question to that is, know any other tricks, Mr Homosexual Leprechaun? And you're going to insult me because you didn't understand what I said? That would make you a "troll." And yes. Yes, you did. But may I suggest you lay off the Oreos? You're getting kinda fat.

mrwelsh3 0

some middle aged man with no life would be my guess.

I honestly hope that comment wasn't aimed towards me because I know you're not the brightest crayon in the tool shed, but there's a feature where you can see the person's age and I'm pretty sure 18 isn't middle-aged.

lmao you have a lot of free time.. but then again here I am doing nothing but reading it.

friedpwnadge 25

Or, if they start building a house or something like that, you will be able to make it into a diatribe against urban sprawl. Lots of different ways to spin this, so I would suggest that your project is not a fail, but a win.

Looks like you will need to do some major photoshopping for four months

Photographers experience problems sometimes, but they just go it and continue.

sounds like the project just got more interesting. keep photographing it. it's art after all - anything goes.

Because Youtube doesn't have enough of those picture-a-day-for-a-year videos...

thats just dumb. who said they're putting it on YouTube? it's art. things like that r fun to do wen ur into it. thers many different kinds if pictures out ther. does that mean we shud stop taking pictures?

The horrible grammar is burning my eyes!

Nobody is forcing you to watch it... Just sayin

PeyOmater96 0

that's something to take a picture of.

Mi24hind 0

FYL for sure. I'm wondering why they had to cut the tree down.

gene818 13

If I were you, I'd just keep doing the samething as before the tree was cut down.

agreed, that actually makes for an interesting project

That sucks!! Do they not realize we need trees in this environment!!!! That pisses me off!!

There's a chance it was on somebodies property and they didn't want it in their yard.

sometimes trees get old and dangerous depending on how close to a house they are. I was upset when they took down a few trees on my street until I remember that one of the trees had a huge branch break off and break my windshield a few years ago. thank god it was my car and not the house where my kids sleep.

SadikOnuska 0

57- Your picture is a win, Sir.

A few weeks ago my local streets department left a notice that they're going to cut down the trees in front of my house because they're diseased & dying. But they haven't gotten to it yet because in the meantime we had a big storm and now they're busy cleaning up the limbs that broke off all the healthy trees. No harm to my 'dead' trees, however. Go figure.