RIP in peace

By avatarnicole9 - 04/06/2015 05:17 - Canada

Today, while going for a walk, I saw two bunnies next to the road. Apparently, I was scarier than the oncoming traffic, because one of them decided to sprint into the road as I walked by. I could hear its bones crunch as it got hit by a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 982
You deserved it 2 943

Same thing different taste


Well that horrific incident was smashing.

Now, at 8am, I have this nice mental image playing in mind...

Here comes peter cottontail, hopping down the bun-oh god nope no

I don't think I had to do with you...animals do that all the time

Sadly, not everything happens like in movies

My ex bf hit a groundhog once. Poor little guy exploded. I still remember the sound. :(

Hey, add me on snapchat: Dannygee (: