
By Fuck - 25/02/2015 21:39 - United States - Fowler

Today, I had sex with my boyfriend. In the middle of it, he started saying in deep voice, "Enter, exit." Over and over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 742
You deserved it 4 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was he trying to give directions to himself? Afraid he might skip a step?

While I think it's a good idea to not force sex to be a serious thing, I also think that that's weird and not remotely sexy.


Repeat the opposite back in a high voice or harmony. Life is boring, just have fun with it!

I would've been like, "say that one more time and you will exit and never enter again"

Jazzy793 16

And, yet he couldn't even get his timing right.

SauceySarah 30

I don't understand why he thought that would be a good idea.

I'm guessing he did that to prevent himself from cuming too fast. No one wants premature ejaculation on the bed =D

Guess it's time to exit that relationship

#24, it's most people's way of dealing with a totally fixable situation in relationships these days. Which is saddening

He read the book, Sex for Dummies. Chapter II- Oral: Lick, repeat.

Maybe he forgot what he was suppose to be doing??