Rash decision

By caiti - 06/08/2009 01:25 - United States

Today, I had a job interview and things were going really well until I noticed the woman interviewing me staring at the inside of my elbow. I am recovering from a poison sumac rash, and each spot looks like a puncture wound from a syringe. I was dismissed before the interview was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 365
You deserved it 4 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, you could've worn longer sleeves, or maybe tried some concealer? I suppose you could've also tried to explain to her about the rash, but she probably wouldn't have believed you anyway...so yeah fyl.

ajkkls63 0

You shouldn't work at a place that would jump to 'rash' decisions like your interviewer did.


Btw, some people are saying that the reason the interviewer turned OP down was because of their rash. Technically yes, but it was actually cause OP's rash looked like lots of needle injections, and the interviewer thought that OP was taking drugs. I think....

tori12 0

You should have just told the person it was poison sumac when you saw them looking. I'm sure they would have just understood. That's what you get for not being assertive

YDI for doing drugs. What the hell made you think a drug addict could get anywhere in life. I hope you get over you addiction soon or at least kill yourself. Don't take this too hard, because I'd much rather you go to rehab then kill yourself! Almost all life is precious!

OP doesn't do drugs. It was poison sumac. Learn to read.

The interviewer was having flashbacks of her own rehab days.

YDI. Who the heck wears a short sleeve shirt to a job interview??

You deserve it for not saying, "I see you've noticed my Poison Sumac rash. Don't worry, the doctor said it will clear up in a day or two." There you go, crisis averted.

FYL but you could've explained yourself when she was looking at it. but it sucks that she was assuming shit.

wtf is poison sumac?! Never heard of it. YDI for being a hypochondriac & inventing new diseases to give yourself, fatty.

lo1337a: Educate yourself before making remarks. "Poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix or Rhus vernix) is a woody shrub or small tree growing to 7 m (20 ft) tall.[1] All parts of the plant contain a resin called urushiol that causes skin and mucous membrane irritation to humans. When burned, inhalation of the smoke may cause the rash to appear on the lining of the lungs, causing extreme pain and possibly fatal respiratory difficulty." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poison_sumac *** The mere fact that YOU have never heard of a certain thing does NOT mean that it can't exist. Get over yourself.

Dear_Ambellina 0

Woooow seriously #60? Look it up, moron.


My personal favorite trolling on this page would have to be "YDI for having cooties" And OP sure. It's poison sumac. Sure.