Rash decision

By caiti - 06/08/2009 01:25 - United States

Today, I had a job interview and things were going really well until I noticed the woman interviewing me staring at the inside of my elbow. I am recovering from a poison sumac rash, and each spot looks like a puncture wound from a syringe. I was dismissed before the interview was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 365
You deserved it 4 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, you could've worn longer sleeves, or maybe tried some concealer? I suppose you could've also tried to explain to her about the rash, but she probably wouldn't have believed you anyway...so yeah fyl.

ajkkls63 0

You shouldn't work at a place that would jump to 'rash' decisions like your interviewer did.


letitbe56 0

If you're inside it's probably air conditioned, so you probably should have just left your blazer on. Even if it didn't look like track marks, you don't want to gross out OR contaminate your interviewer. You never know what might unconsciously make them not like you. I know I tend to want to avoid people with gross rashes.

I would have worn long sleeves if I were you, poster, but this is something that I would call and explain very frankly to the woman who interviewed you. Don't feel afraid to tell them that you have no problem calling out discrimination if they feel your sumac rash is reason not to hire you because of how it looks. That's on par with saying I can't work my job (hotel front desk) because I have pink streaks in my hair.

letitbe56 0

Honestly, there are probably some hotels out there who wouldn't let you work at the front desk with pink streaks in your hair. That's perfectly reasonable, as far as I'm concerned. Lots of jobs have expectations about personal appearance. However, a medical condition is a different story. Not hiring someone for having a rash IS unreasonable.

Most places wouldn't let you work service positions with pink streaks. Same with facial piercings and visible tattoos.

triplethreat13 0

you shouldn't get a job if you don't know how to USE YOUR BRAIN and EXPLAIN THE RASH!!!!

Firstly, I don;t think I ever went to a job interview wearing short sleeves. Secondly, when you saw her glancing you could simply have explained. YDI for being too casual and way too stupid.

Short sleeves does not equal unprofessional. I live in Hawaii and most people would wear short sleeves to interviews. Even when I lived in LA, most people wore short sleeves (at least in the summer.) On the other hand, if I had a rash that looked like track marks, I'd make an effort to cover them up, no matter how hot it is outside.

... and you didn't think to explain the rash when you noticed her looking? YDI.

May I ask why the HELL weren't you wearing long sleeves to the interview? Last I checked in order to make a good impression you're TAUGHT how to dress nicely for getting job. While still in school! And if you caught her looking, why on EARTH would you not explain the rash?!

It actually depends on the place your interviewing like I've worked at McDonald's and walmart I wore a dressy shirt and dress pants.

It is possible the OP was UNABLE to wear long sleeves due to the rash-- but then she should've explained as soon as she suspected the interviewer was looking at the marks. OP: You wouldn't want to work for someone who is so quick to judge you anyway. Perhaps you should consider this a blessing in disguise.

there's this new invention: band aids. they work really well at covering up wounds and they actually help keep germs off. yeah. and you might have mentioned that sumac was your problem, not drug addiction. what kind of job were you going for? Manager at the stupid factory?

Agree w/ ScaredyCat. You could have at least worn a sweater that you could take off after the interview.