Rash decision

By FilthyIke - 21/08/2009 20:17 - Canada

Today, I went to the doctor to inquire about the rash I've been getting in my underarms, behind my knees and sometimes on my face. Turns out I'm allergic to sweat. I'm a varsity rugby coach, gym teacher, and I just shelled out a stack of cash to get a sauna and steam room installed in my house. FML
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Same thing different taste

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That's hilarious. Allergic to your own sweat. Sometimes the pros just outweigh the cons, I would've just gone for that hot steamy sauna bath either way.

how can you be allergic to your own body fluids?


112 is correct. I also have cholonergic urticaria as well. It unfortunately started one random day back in 2004, I still have it to this very day. The majority of medications I have taken in the past have seemed to have little or no effect. Currently I am taking a steroid called Xolair to help counter effect the symptoms I am having. Best of luck and hopefully it goes away soon!

Aquagenic urticaria, also known as water urticaria and aquagenous urticaria, is an extremely rare form of physical urticaria. It is sometimes described as an allergy, although it is not a histamine releasing allergic reaction like other forms of urticaria; it is more a hypersensitivity to the ions found in non-distilled water. In affected persons, water on the skin causes hives to appear within 15 minutes and last for up to two hours.

foryoublue94 0

I didn't think you could be allergic to something that comes out of your own body. That's like being allergic to shit.

chickenfeat 0

actually, recently the same has been happening to me, every time i get really hot and start sweating, i get a bad rash. it actually might be linked to your thyroid. you can get your levels checked with a simple blood test at your doctor's.

shutyourmouth 0

YDI for having the ability to perspire, asshole.

Chescapal123 0

oh my god this has suddenly started happening to me! only on my underarms tho. maybe it has to do with the chemicals in my razor and the sweat. but still.... eghhh its so nasty i cant stand it its itchy!!

Go to a Tanning bed it will help the rash, vitamin D helps for some reason, i don't know why but that's what my doc told me to do when i had a rash under my arms for the same reason, and it worked.

Are you sure it's sweat you're allergic to sweat and not water? I have allergic reactions to water lol, it happens first in more sensitive areas for me like hands, feet, then the rest of my body breaks out in red patches (even when cold). I really think it's a reaction to "hard water", so it could also be a reaction to a certain chemical in the water or maybe your body is producing.

wouldn't you realize rashes a long time ago?

this is bull shit because if your alergic to sweat your alergic to water you idiot and you can't be alergic to water becaue you would die so this is fake -.-

fogrunner 13

What #132 said (maybe, I don't have the time to look it up further) PLUS there's more than water in sweat.