
By wasntworththedrive - 20/01/2010 06:43 - United States

Today, the guy that I've recently became close to texted me, wanting to hook up. He's very cute and I was definitely interested, so I agreed. The drive to his house lasted longer than the actual sex. He lives less than five minutes away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 725
You deserved it 4 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tyrob911 0

let's get this straight here. he texted her wanting to hook up. if you really understand that text, you'll know that the guy didn't care about pleasing her. all he wanted to do was nut and he did. he could care less how long it took him. his mission was accomplished.

I heard that there are new kinds of condoms which have some sort of a numbing cream on them. How about giving those a shot? HAHA.


maybe if you had have walked to his house since its only a 5 minute drive away, then you wouldn't feel so bad about the sex being shorter than the travel. don't be lazy, and save the environment :)

bambi114 0

#26 lmao I have seen that before

that's bitchy. it's probably not his fault. how insensitive.

maybe he thinks your so hot he couldnt control himself or maybe he sucks....i would give him another try before you dissmiss him in bed. he was prob nervous.

lol pre-mature ejaculator... that sucks

FMLbrittt 0

girl you have all of my sympathy. the kid I was in a relationship with ( we just broke up thank god ) only lasted for 3 minutes. commercials wouldn't even be over as he finished. it sucked. my tampon gave me more pleasure then he did. FML. find some one who can actually last. you will be sooo much happier lol

Meowinx 5

You drove after the guy?! That is pretty slutty...