Queasy Lover

By dizzy - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Malaysia

Today, I discovered that sea-sickness also applies when making love on my girlfriend's new water bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 816
You deserved it 6 150

Top comments

There's always the kitchen top, shower, pool table, car, hell even the ground if you're that way inclined. Abandon ship and find another, better place to port, Captain.

Here is a top tip for waterbed sex for you OP. Just go with the motion of the ocean and ride the waves of pleasure until you are floating in a pool of orgasmic waterfalls. ;-)


isn't release hot sticky fluid on/in your GF the point of having sex? what do you mean it's not the same? this is what I've been enjoying all my life! *creepy smile*

cdatribe23 0

no bueno haha but at least you called it making love and not sex :)

ICaughtFire 4

What's wrong with calling it sex?

Just calling it "sex" takes any and all emotion out of it and makes it less personal. That's whyy!

ICaughtFire 4

55 - How many times are you gonna say that?

RedPillSucks 31

I thought seamen were only in submarines.... :-/

what is this 1980 who sleeps on a water bed anymore

I can't believe it's her "new" waterbed. Where would you buy one let alone want one?

ChinaBabylove69 0

OP's boobs: (.) (.) Her boyfriend boobs: ( . ) ( . ) he wins.

Lynn_20 0

are you sure the water bed was new!? I thought they went out with the early '90s.