
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, I realised that I've been working in an all-male environment for too long when my supervisor walked into the canteen visibly scratching his balls, and this seemed like a completely normal occurrence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 798
You deserved it 2 996

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theHIGHroad2 5

I love being a guy.. Things are just easier!! Sorry ladies..

SkoomaKi - Boys don't have to shave? Maybe you haven't hit puberty yet and don't have to shave your face, but we adults do unless we want to look like a caveman. And what the hell do you mean that guys don't have to cook and clean? What the **** kind of misogynistic bullshit are you spouting? You sound like a complete asshole. I hope you continue beating girls in video games so that they continue ignoring your stupid ass.


22- What knowledge are you basing this on? Why don't you get a sex change and see how it's like to be a girl. I dare you.

If guy can't scratch their balls casually, every time a girl adjusts her boobs I'm gonna freak out.