
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, I realised that I've been working in an all-male environment for too long when my supervisor walked into the canteen visibly scratching his balls, and this seemed like a completely normal occurrence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 798
You deserved it 2 996

Top comments

theHIGHroad2 5

I love being a guy.. Things are just easier!! Sorry ladies..

SkoomaKi - Boys don't have to shave? Maybe you haven't hit puberty yet and don't have to shave your face, but we adults do unless we want to look like a caveman. And what the hell do you mean that guys don't have to cook and clean? What the **** kind of misogynistic bullshit are you spouting? You sound like a complete asshole. I hope you continue beating girls in video games so that they continue ignoring your stupid ass.


I must agree, some girl gamers are way better than guy gamers, at some games of course. For example, as a man, I am sure I would be TERRIBLE at Barbie Horse Adventure, Cooking Mama, and Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Isn't it a normal occurrence for guys to scratch their balls period? I just saw one doing that last night at Mr. Goodcents, in line in front of about 10 other people. It's just a guy thing...I'm a female and am well aware of this fact.

bazookya 1

Sounds like you don't have balls. That's how it works.

havocmike 3

Try working in an all female environment, sweetheart.. Its a bloody nightmare

reldnahceus 8
dreamchick 0

ok well since u guys feel like its " normal" to scratch ur junk in public and ok to do for that matter i decided im goin to walk in a room full of women and men and scratch myself...No guy better say a word fair right?? if a guy can do it so can a girl

Realised is the proper English spelling. OP is in the UK, after all... Learn about the world outside of America.

WinterBlue42 22

Please don't judge an entire nation based off of a few people. . A lot of them aren't actually American, also.

I agree, don't be so quick to criticise someone on their spelling, when you clearly have not bothered to inform yourself of the fact that the person who wrote the fml was using correct English!!!!!

Who cares if guys are better gamers lol get off your ass and get a life rather than sitting around and playing video games ?

Yes, men have it good and you still treat women crappy. Men do not always have better gaming skills. I kick both my brother's asses in Call of Duty. I suck at Call of Duty!