Pleased to meet you

By Mr_Yato - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a girl in my class introduced herself to me for the fourth time this semester. Am I really that invisible? FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 912
You deserved it 1 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or maybe you've been ignoring her and she's been introducing herself again and again because she likes you (and she's super shy to say anything else)? Just a possibility

Or does she just have a really bad memory?


4 times she has broken the ice with you...FOUR TIMES!! most guys get one chance and one only.. you have an opportunity. If you think she might be a good catch, then step up and talk to her before she gives up on you..

MamaChey 24

From now on, use a different name each time she introduces herself

Or maybe she really likes you and wants you to notice her

stewpididiot 11

maybe she's the invisible one....? ..

Could be she is like that with everyone - I forget people as soon as I meet them a lot because I am just not good at remmebering faces or names ><

It's probably her. My husband had a friend like that in college. He even worked in my dorm building so I saw him all the time, but he "introduced" himself to me like five times.

I don't recognize some people in class either...I wouldn't take it to heart