
By Loner - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - United States - Paramus

Today, my buddy congratulated me on getting a girl's phone number written on my arm. I was too embarrassed to tell him it was the number I needed to find my furniture at IKEA. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 372
You deserved it 615

Top comments

There's nothing like a hot date with a sexy sofa.

Maybe you ought to give Gürkelsnørf a call — you and her can get some Swedish meatballs and lingonberry soda.


Maybe you ought to give Gürkelsnørf a call — you and her can get some Swedish meatballs and lingonberry soda.

really_dad? 14

They have some pretty sexy Ikea workers these days

At least it wasn’t the number of your local Wendy’s’; that could’ve added another layer of confusion.

There's nothing like a hot date with a sexy sofa.