
By holly - 18/07/2010 14:18 - Germany

Today, I was practising the violin in my apartment. A man knocked on the door and introduced himself with a smile, saying he wanted to know my "schedule." I replied, "I'm pretty busy but maybe we could get a drink sometime." To which he replied, "No, I just want to know when you'll stop." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 058
You deserved it 20 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, that doesn't necessarily mean your playing was bad. He might have just found it loud and it was waking up his baby or something.

I'm a string player myself, go to your local music store and ask for a practice mute.


Vanyaxe 0

That sucks OP. you could always get a mute (just make sure it doesn't kill your strings).

sadasd 0

you need to learn how to spell

if you spell as well as you play I can understand why he wanted you to stop

Leatherandlace 0

Sorry to add insult to injury, but it's 'practicing'. I guess you dropped out at second grade.

Haha. that is the most one sided I've ever seen the votes on here!

ArielTheMermaid 17

maybe you wouldn't have so many YDIs if you could spell practicing :)

I like how people bitch at OP for spelling 'practicing' wrong, even though she's from Germany and English probably isn't her main language. Isn't it fun how British as well as American people always seem insulted if you aren't fluent in their language, even though they probably can't talk more than one language themselves? :-)

You are absolutely correct, a friend recently told me a joke that goes well with your comment. What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual. What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual. What do you call someone who speaks one language? American

how about you practice your spelling as you know practicing makes perfect

Psycho_Babydoll 26

YDI. Who do you think you are, Emilie Autumn?