Pissed to meet you

By Anonymous - 09/08/2015 01:23 - United States

Today, at Walmart, a lady came up to me and informed me that I "look like the kinda skank that'd give it up on the first date". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 529
You deserved it 3 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1dvs_bstd 41

"You're the type of judgemental bitch who randomly judge people on the street.. why don't you keep your opinions to yourself, you old hag."

What kind of lady says that to a woman?


I've had many nice WalMart employees ask me about nmy day, and make respectful small talk. Believe me this woman is an isolated incident.

Wow some people feel like they can just walk up to anyone and say what they please. seems it's easier to vomit negativity than the positive. sounds like a jealous unhappy bitch

Response would and should be: "Really? That's odd! I look nothing like you." :D

MonstreBelle 28

It amazes me that people can be so brazenly rude. I can't even fathom walking up to a complete stranger and insulting them like that.

Come now, clearly someone with the audacity to run up to a stranger and outright insult them is bitter because she can't hold down a man ^.^

Well, congratulations on looking sexually liberated!

You should've told her she kinda looks like something worse than her dog's crap and you would scrape off your shoe.