Piss off

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Sandown

Today, my boss sent me a message about a project, via WhatsApp. It's my day off, so I figured it could wait till I was able to give a flying fuck. Literally a minute later, he was spamming me, demanding to know why I'd left him as read and reminding me that he has firing powers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 329
You deserved it 1 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CarlCarlCarl 20

Did you tell him that you have a life?

I use WhatsApp for messages from coworkers for work related messages - I like it and absolutely despise it at the same time...I got one coworker who will message me from the bathroom on WhatApp apologizing shes not feeling well...I never get the message until well after shes done and shes verbally apologized. I get work orders on it, which is why I havent gotten rid of that damn ******* app


CarlCarlCarl 20

Did you tell him that you have a life?

He wouldn't care. Op isn't a friend of theri boss. Just an lifeless employee that lives 8hr per day.

Obviously not. OP still has his job, I think.

I use WhatsApp for messages from coworkers for work related messages - I like it and absolutely despise it at the same time...I got one coworker who will message me from the bathroom on WhatApp apologizing shes not feeling well...I never get the message until well after shes done and shes verbally apologized. I get work orders on it, which is why I havent gotten rid of that damn ******* app

My god that sounds so stressful! Like being on the job 24/7 I'm so glad my boss is so old she doesn't really know what an app is, let alone how to use one.

hahaha you got all the luck in the world!

Why does your coworker need to message you from the bathroom to apologize that she's not feeling well?

#28...shes usually been in the bathroom for about 10 or so minutes...maybe covering her ass (so to speak) in case one of our bosses question where she is. Im just generally grossed out shes got her phone in the bathroom with her

She takes her phone in the bathroom with her at least 1/2 the time, if shes in there longer than 10 minutes thats when she messages me. I work in the back mostly, but if Im covering for her up front I keep my phone in the back. It grosses and feaks me out to no end when people take their phone into the bathroom

Well, i guess its kinda rude to read a msg and not reply to it. You should have blocked him.

The boss reacted only a minute after, we all sometimes take time to answer. I'd get it, if he would have spammed after an hour or so.

sonasonic 34

Blocking your boss is not a very good idea if you value employment and the ability to pay for bills.

You wanna go to his house in the evening and beat the crap outta him too? Just to get your point across

This is why technology is also a very bad idea for businesses.

tarlax 11

The previous comment was brought to you from the 19th century. Over to you, Dan.

Pretty sure businesses thrive off of technology... it's almost as if it can be used in a bad or good way.

Llama_Face89 33

both good and bad? I dunno that seems pretty far fetched. Are you sure you're not a witch?

I mean, if technology is bad for businesses, what would happen to movie theaters?

Technology isn't bad for business. It's actually great for business, it allows them to accomplish more. However, I will say that technology can be bad for employees. With technology, often people are now expected to always be plugged-in, always be reachable, it doesn't allow them to just leave work at work, like society used to do. Bad bosses (like this one) come to expect that their employees should always have work in mind, and be able to do work related stuff at anytime, even on their days off.

Snap a pic of the schedule and send back to him... Tell him you give a **** is broken today.

NereidAlbel 14

And remind him that trying to force you to work off the clock gets the company sued and HIM fired.

#14, that's not universally the case, sadly -- it can depend on the company, the position, and the local laws. Wish it weren't so (I hit 40 hours last week on _Tuesday_; at least I get comp time despite being salaried), but for some positions, that's how it is.

Some jobs will even have you fired if you mention forming a Union.

My boss tried to get me to cover a shift(in Massachusetts) while I was at my grandmother's funeral(in Indiana). I sent him a picture of the prayer card and he was very remorseful after that.


I like to let my bosses understand that when I am not clocked in that I would appreciate being able to enjoy my family and my personal time. Usually they get it and there's no harm done. I've only had 1 boss that didn't agree, but she also thought that her company was gods gift to humanity and even though it paid poorly, didn't have benefits (even though it was a hazardous job), and ****** you during tax season to save themselves money .... you should be lucky to work here and you need to answer her calls 24/7. so odds are in your favor that if you just say hey, got your message can we discuss tomorrow at work? they will be happy. then at work say hey sorry I didn't reply, I just prefer to give 100% of my attention to work related items and when I'm at home I have (wife,kids,pets,errands,etc) distracting me and I wouldn't want to make a poor decision because I was not focused at that moment.