Piss off

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Sandown

Today, my boss sent me a message about a project, via WhatsApp. It's my day off, so I figured it could wait till I was able to give a flying fuck. Literally a minute later, he was spamming me, demanding to know why I'd left him as read and reminding me that he has firing powers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 329
You deserved it 1 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CarlCarlCarl 20

Did you tell him that you have a life?

I use WhatsApp for messages from coworkers for work related messages - I like it and absolutely despise it at the same time...I got one coworker who will message me from the bathroom on WhatApp apologizing shes not feeling well...I never get the message until well after shes done and shes verbally apologized. I get work orders on it, which is why I havent gotten rid of that damn ******* app


Leaving someone on seen is pretty rude. Could have just said you couldn't talk then or something. YDI

Hindsight is 20/20 but you should have seen that it was a message from your boss and like the first half of the first sentence in the notification, and just not clicked it, thereby not marking it as read. Once something is marked as read, it really just opens a hell portal :/

AspieGirl88 7

Damn, what a pain in the neck that must be! Especially since it's your day off, because you could be in the middle of doing anything; having a meal, taking a bath/shower, having a conversation with someone (which could easily be a long-distance call), or whatever. Some people can be so inconsiderate, especially when they have "powers" to abuse others with (like they aren't also human). After all, you could have been called out to any hospital with a parent in serious condition, or you could be in the A&E department yourself (because stuff happens). I guess some people just don't think of those things, though, before calling you out of nowhere...

Awesome response! I may borrow that if needed :)