People of Walmart

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I witnessed a large woman pee on a pregnancy test in the middle of a Walmart parking lot, clean herself off, then wander around with the test hanging out of her mouth, waiting for her result. Where in the name of Christ do these people come from? FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 879
You deserved it 4 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dear God! I just hope that the test result is negative..

grahmagog 14

Im never suprised by walmart customers any more


Well it's not like Walmart has a bathroom or anything. Oh wait...

Well, obviously she couldn't wait to get home in order to find out.

theBadGuy37 9

It doesn't matter where they come from, they always seem to wind up at Walmart.

fknwak 2

what a ******* scumbag!!! next time video that shit and YouTube it so people will poi.t her out and humiliate her...

dodzin 9

As my medical background tells me, they come from the sane organ as she was testing in the middle of the parking lot.

Hahaha! Are you sure it isn't honey boo boo's sister?

That's what you call the 'people of Walmart'

They come from remote areas where their kin-folks is... and that's probably where Christ means for them to be is very remote lol (yeah that's so wrong but when i thought it it was funny lol)... She probably already has 30 children and just decided to skip the wait for the drive back out to the boondocks and did the test on-site. Regardless, it's very obvious, that she know the tinkle-on-the-test-strip song and dance quite well.