Partytime! Yay!

By theonlychildd1 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a friend from work threw a party. We each had to dress up as a deceased celebrity. I thought it'd be a perfect time to dress up as Marilyn Monroe. When I arrived to the party, my boss said, "But… Rosie O'Donnell isn't dead." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 031
You deserved it 6 793


LittleMissSusie 0

Perhaps then you could say you are Anna Nicole Smith?

Who throws a party where you have to dress up as a deceased celebrity?

You could say he did a good job for being the dead fat guy from jackass!

you should have mentioned that Marilyn Monroe, still considered one of the sexiest women EVER, was a size 16.... and tbh if you're bigger than that... just don't try ;)

Bloodandroses13 1

Actually Marilyn would be consider a size 4 today not a size 12 (which she was in her day).

you can view her handmade dresses and measurements at the theater museums in NY. Her clothes are tiny, a modern size four at the height of her career. At some points she did gain weight but she always lost it before appearing in print or movies. Sizes have changed a lot because people in general have just gotten so large.

That was a total bitch move from ur boss..just sayin...-__-

Either you have a really bad Marilyn Monroe costume, or you're just fat. Either way you need to fix that