Partytime! Yay!

By theonlychildd1 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a friend from work threw a party. We each had to dress up as a deceased celebrity. I thought it'd be a perfect time to dress up as Marilyn Monroe. When I arrived to the party, my boss said, "But… Rosie O'Donnell isn't dead." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 031
You deserved it 6 793


MasterShake1100 0

She might as well be! Who knows where rosie is! We checked all the mcdonalds parking lots!

kenziem18 0

ummm isn't there a difference a HUGE difference between marylin and rossie? I mean one is blonde, one has dark hair, one is skinny and one is not..

fat ugly bitches shouldn't dress up as historic hotties. It's just not right, I've seen it, she deserved her bosses comment.

heartgrenade1 5

YDI for being one of those goddamn fat chicks that thinks they can wear sexy outfits when really, you can't. You want to be Madonna? Work out, stop eating, and learn to sing. Otherwise, stop it.

mekkme 0

Next time break into an Elvis impersonation. Their confusion will give you enough time to reach the buffet table and stuff your face. And Elvis is a great cover for that sort of behaviour.

johnnie254 7