Oh no…

By StarWarsGeek - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met a fellow Star Wars fan. We began enthusiastically talking about how almost no one our age knows the good old classics anymore. I was referring to the original trilogy; she was talking about the ones with Jar Jar Binks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 147
You deserved it 7 346

Top comments

This is not the fan you're looking for...

Another star wars FML.. Bit arrogant remark too.. "No one our age knows good classics anymore". I too like older and alternative movies and music, but I'm not going to comment on how "Bieber sucks" etc. Everyone can like what they want, it's all good. Mainstream is not necessarily body


XxTaliaxX 16

I feel for you...(not sarcastic)

There were two kinds? That just blew my mind... And you being a girl you'll have guys all over you...

Hugs you need. Hugs you will get. Beware the dark side. Love all you must.

Slavgaard 16

Mesa no think yous like'n da Jar Jar...

Yes! Thank you! These sorts of fandom wars annoy me. How about if I just like what I like, and I'll be happy to let you like what you like, as long as what you like isn't to piss all over what I like.

Why are some fans so against Jar Jar? The whiny wooden portrayal of Anakin should be the bigger outrage. Totally ruined Darth Vader for me. When the CGI version from the TV show can do a better job then the real-life actor, you know there's a problem.

it's because of how incredibly dim witted and racist the character was. if it had just been jar jar with the way he talked it would've been cool, but when they made his entire race/species talk that way and act that stupid it was racist. had he not messed everything up, he would've been fine, but he messed everything up.

Can't we all just accept that all six are better than anything disney puts out will ever be?

ZY1431 24