Oh no…

By StarWarsGeek - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met a fellow Star Wars fan. We began enthusiastically talking about how almost no one our age knows the good old classics anymore. I was referring to the original trilogy; she was talking about the ones with Jar Jar Binks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 147
You deserved it 7 345

Top comments

This is not the fan you're looking for...

Another star wars FML.. Bit arrogant remark too.. "No one our age knows good classics anymore". I too like older and alternative movies and music, but I'm not going to comment on how "Bieber sucks" etc. Everyone can like what they want, it's all good. Mainstream is not necessarily body


TallMist 32

Who the Hell cares if she likes the prequels or not? That doesn't make her any lesser of a person. She is just more open minded.

Doesn't mean anything. I'm such a huge fan I have almost 3 boxes full of unopened merch and half a closet full of Star Wars clothes. But I like the prequels better, specifically Revenge of the Sith because Anakin/Darth Vader is my favorite. Doesn't mean you're a better fan than them.

What you talk about . Ya. Know jar jar is the best character in star was even George Lucas says so