Not so merry Christmas

By Holly Jolly - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I spent the day crying, and ate McDonald's for my Christmas dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 282
You deserved it 5 761

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

Don't be sad! Let's put a McSmile on that face ! :3


Lucky I drove to every McDonalds in my town last night and none of them were open

HaleyXx_fml 11

I hope you are okay. That's a sad way to spend christmas. Hopefully it will be better next christmas

stoltzyy21 0

I think everybody could come to that solution with life problems. Don't have a pity party. Make the best out of everything. :) Never know when it'll be our last day.

hectorserica20 0

Mc Donalds wasn't even open.. I drove by one going to starbucks but it was closed too.How sad u had to lie about that my question is what did you really eat that was so bad u had to lie? No wonder ur alone!

sundayporch 2

How sad it is that you don't realise that maybe not every single McDonald's was closed yesterday.

takeitandrun 13

That sucks OP, hope things get better for you. I'm jealous that you at least got McDonald's - Here in hillbillytown every fast food place and even walmart were closed, so I couldn't even have someone else cook my meal. I ended up making pizza rolls for Christmas.

Ssampson1464 0

Hey, I would rather ate at McDonald's for my Christmas dinner. instead of meeting with my family where all the rude snobby bastards are... FML

i like going to my snubby in laws. this year i left them a hot pocket!

At least you ate. Most people I. This world go hungry or days at a ime and would have taken the McDonald's I you don't appreciate it

delilah09 6

What the ****?! Is that English?!

At least you were able to get McD's. Nothing was open here, and I didn't get to eat until today.