Not so merry Christmas

By Holly Jolly - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I spent the day crying, and ate McDonald's for my Christmas dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 281
You deserved it 5 761

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

Don't be sad! Let's put a McSmile on that face ! :3


@ least you didn't have any family drama to deal with, like a drunk uncle hitting on you...sorry it was sad for you though~~my family wanted Chinese food

lovealwaysx 0
kevin1873 1

I hate to burst your bubble Holly Jolly but the day you posted that, on the 26th, isn't Christmas Day ;-) And if it was I'd say you were very lucky. We have 3 McDonalds and they were all closed on Christmas Day.

I think you were lucky to get to be alone- my mother in law is staying with us for the holidays- and driving me McNuts!

thefuckinloser 6

so what i had jack in the box for my christmas dinner and was alone so what big deal get over it christmas is just another day in this case all it was is sunday

well life is what you make it. you could have made a nice dinner and watched movies. but no, you just feel bad for yourself.

reldnahceus 8

Don't feel bad. If it wasn't for my sister in law, we probably wouldn't have ate anything- or more pancakes. It sucks being broke!

oklahomaguy 0

Bullshit. McDonalds is closed on christmas.