
By grlks - 19/02/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, I told a girl that I liked her. She replied, "Don't." FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 102
You deserved it 5 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least she didn't use the standard, "aw but we are such good friends and i really wouldn't want to ruin that with a relationship."

elguapo_fml 0

yeah, she clearly proved that she's not likable.


happened to me too. twice. i know it sucks, but it's best you forget her and go for someone else.

guinness_fml 0

I know a girl who regularly tells guys she knows are starting to like her "don't fall in love with me." If this girl is anything like the one I know, run. This chick tells guys that, knowing that being out of reach makes her oddly more desirable, and then screws with their heads. It's all a game to her Take care of yourself

ugh. i've been in this situation before.. being the girl to say "don't." really, i didn't want him to like me, because i'm not that great of a person to be with. when i'm in a relationship, i fight with my boyfriend a lot. and this guy was really nice, and i didn't want to be that way to him, so i told him not to like me. he didn't understand, he had seen me as a "sweet" person. but he had never seen what i'm like in a relationship. i'm guessing that you're a nice guy, not an asshole.. nicer guys seem to be more upfront about that, for some reason. but really.. you should move on from her.

At least she was direct with you. This kind of thing happened to me twice in high school. The first time, the girl let me simmer for 2 months while she was messing around with another guy without me knowing. Her excuse? "I didn't want to hurt you." The second time, she only let me simmer for one month, but it most likely would've been longer if we weren't both drunk when she told me. I ended up yelling obscenities and then avoiding her for a few months. I don't talk to the first one anymore, and I'm on meh terms with the second (these happened two years and one year ago, respectively). Really, the worst thing a girl can do is let you simmer before rejecting you. It creates false hope that makes for a much more crushing rejection. I'd much rather be told "Don't" than "I'll think about it."

hayyyyyy88 0

roflmao something i would do. but if the girl dosent liek you shes not going to lie.....

doesntmatter00 0

i'm using that one! LOL and sorry

we shall make a club with all of these >.