No pain, no gain

By Anonymous - 09/05/2016 20:44 - United States - Santa Cruz

Today, I've been using a clay pad to warm up my stiff neck muscles. I put it in the microwave as instructed on the box, just as I've been doing for weeks. This time, the bag exploded, splattering sticky clay. Now my neck is even more sore from reaching inside to clean the microwave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 136
You deserved it 1 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Had one too, mine lasted 2 years before exploding so violently it broke my microwave's door

I'm not sure it would have the same effect as the clay pad, but rice in a sock and heated helped relieve my sore neck issues and it won't explode.


sleep on your back and stretch it out as much you can, it will get better. neck pain sucks, you look like a weirdo turning your whole body everytime someone wants your attention.

use grandma recipes and natural remedies instead of chemical weird sticky stuff and an oven instead of a microwave you won't have any sticky clay problems..geeesh, don't you have first world problems!