No bother

By Geese Ahoy - 14/11/2016 17:00 - United States - Elizabeth

Today, I was reading on a park bench not far from a grassy spot and a pond. A flock of geese landed on the grassy patch and began to eat some grass. I thought that I may be bothering the geese, but decided if I left them alone, they'd leave me alone as well. I was wrong. Geese are assholes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 241
You deserved it 1 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meanwhile, an elderly woman with a bag full of bread and geese shaped voodoo dolls was sitting in her car waiting for you to leave her favorite park bench.

You were so trusting, why? Geese don't even need to be provoked they really are winged assholes.


species4872 19

The one on the grassy knoll spotted for them.

I just did this in my park. They left me alone and I left them alone

Maybe thats because they're careful around cat/dragon chimeras. You can not only stare at them with the kind of contempt that only a cat can muster, but you can also char broil them if they try to mess with you.

Water fowl tend to be rather nasty tempered, be they ducks, geese, swans, etc.

I had to rewrite this comment three time to avoid punning. Just for the record.

Not all geese an ducks are ass holes I got very close to a mother duck with baby's so I could take pictures all the mom did was walk away I've also gotten close to Canada geese again to take pictures an never got attached though from the sound of the other comments I think I just got lucky

I actually come close enough to a goose to pet it. Didn't get chomped, so it's not always luck. :p

They may be assholes but they are delicious af

Geese ARE assholes. So are ducks, swans & seagulls. Next time just leave before they even get started.