New kink unlocked

By sausages - 17/01/2014 20:56 - Macedonia - Skopje

Today, I went to get my first tattoo. Before we started, the tattooist told me to just relax and embrace the pain. I guess I did that too well; I kept getting an erection throughout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 162
You deserved it 8 430

Same thing different taste


I'm sure they've seen it all before. I have a tattoo on my hip, and it hurt like heck, but I didn't cry. I would get another one.

beyonds 10

I see you in the nearest future with about a hundred tats all over your body!

You should try BDSM, maybe you have a thing for pain

I can't say he deserves it it's involuntary

I'm pretty sure that's considered being a masochist

It seems like life isn't the hasrdest thing at all