
By thelarkscaw - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I thought I saw a woodchuck far out in my yard. I wanted to take a cool picture of it so I slowly crept closer and closer to it. I spent half an hour sneaking up on a log. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 343
You deserved it 54 026

Top comments

furbuggy 0

A Woodchuck is a mammal. Not a bird. Epic fail.

@2, how could they have found out how much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if the wood chuck was chucked wood?


trish27 0

#21...LMAO! OP Wow...ummm yeah, not the brightest bulb in the box, are ya?

banzai314 0

U must have nooooooo life.....YDI

You remind of people who buy pet rocks. And @ redbluegreen, in your defense, the OPs name does mention a bird. Also, I'm beginning to recognize people on this site. Your hair comes to mind.

So logs can be just as cool as woodchucks

Holy shit! I was in Wyoming once and I saw a moose standing in a field. I got out my camera and started sneaking up on it and after about 5 minutes of taking pics of it I realized that it was fake.

kakashi_93 0

LMAO! its like sasuke and the log in the naruto abridged series xD