My home hates me

By Anonymous - 24/07/2015 02:13 - United States - San Francisco

Today, over the course of three hours, I was burned by our toaster oven, hit in the head by a fridge door, hit my toes on a chair, clipped my hip on a table edge, and had both the washer and dryer lids slam on the same hand. I'm not sure what hurts more, my body or the shame. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 243
You deserved it 4 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cat4651 15

Go back to bed for the rest of the day, it is clearly not your day today!

JMichael 25

You're just not having a very good day are you? You have my sympathy


twilightriforce 10

That has to be the worst luck ever. So sorry that all happened. Hopefully something good comes around to make the day better.

cat4651 15

Go back to bed for the rest of the day, it is clearly not your day today!

nothing worse than stubbing your toe...

Clipping my hip on a table edge is right up there for me. It makes me want to throw up, it hurts so bad.

Don't forget about stepping on Lego!

Paper cuts when they're on a particular area that has the skin stretched apart constantly. My personal worst though is an itchy back when trying to focus.

JMichael 25

You're just not having a very good day are you? You have my sympathy

Aw, I'm sorry OP! Maybe it's a bad day, or you might be a natural klutz like me. Either way, I'm sorry that happened, but just be a bit more careful and I'm sure it won't happen again! Feel better.

Natural klutzes unite! Hope tomorrow is a better day :)

demonddm 24

the shame. the body heals but the shame is forever.

curiouslilbird 19

Definitely had days like this! (Usually because I'm rushing around or anxious about stuff.) May your day only get brighter from here!

OP, everybody has bad days, this was just one of yours. Just be glad no permanent damage was done.

Wow! That sucks OP. I heard of bad stuff happening in three, but this is just the worst. Hope you have better luck.

ShortieRose 30

"OP and the no good, very bad day"