
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Lewisville

Today, my boyfriend got pissed off and is now sulking, all because I didn't make a huge deal out of our one-month "anniversary". FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 571
You deserved it 3 795

Top comments

What's his definition of a "huge deal"? I think going to the movies or something is perfectly reasonable for 1 month.

I wonder what he's expecting when you hit one year...


Anniversaries are "annual", meaning yearly, there's no such thing as a 1 week, 1 month, the etc anniversary. Who ever came up with that nonsense was dumb & a genius at the same time, since younger generations of people will believe such things exist they sound as dumb as the original perpetuator of that hoax...just saying.

kids came up with it since they rarely see 1 yr. lol

Jesus , such a girl , are you sure you still wanna hang out with this girlish guy after this ?

Please don't use the word girl as an insult.

JohnnyWake0 13

Way to shit on a guy for being he's with you

What? The OP is saying that the boyfriend is pissed at her for not remember their one month anniversary, which makes no sense because anniversary means annual. It's not like the OP knew

Okay seriously sometimes I wonder how anyone could say "you deserved it" this is a total FYL... Sorry OP

I've found that the more you count days you've been together the shorter you'll be together. I mean sure a year anniversary is nice to do something special but 1 month? people are too busy for that unless it's Netflix and chill haha ;) but seriously if he is so disappointed over this then you'll likely find him getting disappointed very easily

Happy monthaversary to you! Small milestones mean more to some than to others.

What the hell is a one month anniversary?

corky1992 33

I've never understood why people make a big deal over one month, two month etc. It's the big ones that matter like 1 year and so on. Maybe 6 months..but even that's pushing it.

Why is being together for a month so special? My husband and I like to take note of the day we first met, the day we became a couple and how long he's been living in Canada for, but the only real anniversary we care to celebrate is our wedding anniversary. Maybe he just wanted it to be mentioned and measure the time spent together? :/ Still, a month isn't THAT big of a deal, is it?

Months don't mean anything to those of us who have been together 25+ years, but we all have to start somewhere, so "to each his/her own"!