
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Lewisville

Today, my boyfriend got pissed off and is now sulking, all because I didn't make a huge deal out of our one-month "anniversary". FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 571
You deserved it 3 795

Top comments

What's his definition of a "huge deal"? I think going to the movies or something is perfectly reasonable for 1 month.

I wonder what he's expecting when you hit one year...


Dump him, OP. Dump him and run for your life.

Usually this is the other way around... Lol. Good on you OP for being a smart lady.

writergirl1029 17

I wouldn't dump him just yet, but definitely be on the lookout for other red flags.

Wait, so there are actually people like this?

Holy stage 5 clinger alert. Abort! Abort! Mayday! Mayday!

That is such a girly thing to do. Leave him now while you can.

Just some advice: Don't date children.

gilligan_isle 6

If OP is a kid like middle school then honestly what do you expect,1 month is a long time for them. If they're adults then yes that's crazy. Recognizing little milestones is nice sometimes just to realize how far you've come but no need for gifts or huge celebration

well for a 1st 'monthsary' a simple gesture should suffice it, making a big deal about it is a red flag though, unless you're the one who wears the big boy pants in the relationship..