Mixed signals

By Leota - 15/08/2011 16:20 - United States

Today, I received a message on Facebook from a guy I've liked for a year. He asked me if I wanted to hang out, so I said yes. When I walked out to his car later on, he gave me a really confused look. Apparently I was on my brother's Facebook, and he'd never logged out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 217
You deserved it 13 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have been like "Just kidding.. My brother told me to tell you he's grounded."

This made me lol, but totally sucks! That'd be so embarrassing!


Augustlady14 0

Haha. Ya gotta laugh. Could happen to anyone really.

For not checkin if your name matched the one in the top right corner YDI

Idk, guess it never occured to me to check. On the brite side, he knows I like him so now we hangout allll the time. =D

A happy ending, I love happy endings... *sniff*

kelsey_katie 17

Yay, I'm glad it turned out okay in the end(:

Gee, let me get on the family computer that has Facebook already open and assume that I'm logged in.

Awww. Pretty embarassing!!! Still u will laugh about this later!!!

YDI for somehow not realising you were on the wrong account.

completefatazz 0

Who leaves their facebook logged in?

Hopefully you didn't reply something like "sure, can't wait!! :)" in that case, your poor brother.