Mix up

By Jon - 07/06/2009 06:47 - United States

Today, after masturbating in the shower, I heard my phone go off outside the bathroom. After my mom saw me get my phone to check my messages, she said, "I think you're addicted to that", to which I said, "But it feels so good and every guy does it." She was talking about how I text people a lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 194
You deserved it 79 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would anyone open up to their mom about masturbation.

Nice. Maybe she thinks you meant texting feels good and every guy does it too? Right? Right? :/


Protip: moms do it too (yours included). You might be in denial about it, because surely - your parents are not human, but it's true! :)

why you would even say something like that to your mother in the first place just blows my mind. ew.

scorpioserpent 1

I'm an 18 year old girl and I don't ever mastrubate...I have a boyfriend and get laid plenty as well. I consider myself normal. So don't say that everyone does it.

smart. you dont mind confessing to your mom about how masturbation feels.

now that is so perverted that i have no comment at alllllll!!!!!! SICKOOOOOOSICKOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

tokyooo123 0

who the **** says that to their mom in ANY circumstance???? ew

Hahahaha thats the funniest thing i've read all day!!

flyingheads7853 0

why would you say that to your mom? Nasty mafucka

92689 0

The words "it feels so good" should never be spoken to your mother. I hope this one was made up...