Marriage of convenience

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my serious boyfriend was talking about how he wants to get engaged and married. I was really happy, until he said he's excited mainly for the tax benefits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 999
You deserved it 4 435

Top comments

EVERYONE likes tax benefits, I´m sure he was just joking if he is serious boyfriend

kk_fml 0

i hate when comments get moderated. i get way more annoyed by moderated comments than i do by comments that are obnoxious/offensive/inappropriate (or break some other rule they moderate comments for). Who cares? I think we can handle it. But to the OP... the tax benefits are the the only reason i would get married. you can love each other, live together, make a lifetime commitment, have kids etc. without actually getting married.


oh my god, your life is terrible!!!!!1111

alex_vik 0

#14 - My guess is the people went 'FIRST', 'SECOND', 'THIRD', etc.

rakhil11 7

36-idc, still want 2 c them

vt_mruhlin 0

Tax benefits are no joke. If I had been married filing jointly last year I would have saved $5000. All this hoopla about gay marriage... just let me marry myself.

your "serious boyfriend????" is that in stead of your other "non-serious boyfriend?!?!?!?!"

I don't really know why but I would love to be married one day. To me, it's kind of like a "seal the deal" sort of thing - like it's official. And it's the first step in a new life filled with love, romance and happiness - all spent with somebody special. That and kids would be awesome. =) Maybe I'm just an old fashioned man... (or need mental help)

Meh, nothing wrong with it. As much as I like to tease my boyfriend about the thought, I'd really only want to get married for the 1000+ federal/state benefits/rights/responsibilities you get, including things like medical/legal proxy, like #28 said. Plus I imagine it'd make the paperwork easier when we want to buy a house together, or if one of us gets a job overseas, or for insurance purposes. Tl;dr if he loves you and neither of you are especially religious, it's no biggie, really. It's not like marriage is a chain that'd keep him there forever if he didn't want to be.

A mood-killer for sure, but when you look at it, that is the only real practical benefit of marriage.