Marriage of convenience

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my serious boyfriend was talking about how he wants to get engaged and married. I was really happy, until he said he's excited mainly for the tax benefits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 999
You deserved it 4 435

Top comments

EVERYONE likes tax benefits, I´m sure he was just joking if he is serious boyfriend

kk_fml 0

i hate when comments get moderated. i get way more annoyed by moderated comments than i do by comments that are obnoxious/offensive/inappropriate (or break some other rule they moderate comments for). Who cares? I think we can handle it. But to the OP... the tax benefits are the the only reason i would get married. you can love each other, live together, make a lifetime commitment, have kids etc. without actually getting married.


@ least he was honest yeah.. Sucks thou

agree with 14. hate mod'd comments, much rather see it, and we can take it. /sigh well if that's not why you want to get married, then don't. worst he can do is leave, and you'd be better off

hahah lmfao. at least hes honest. oh and whatever #21 said. my bf said the same thing. and also because if anything happen he can have the right to make decision rather than my parents which i am very happy about it and marriage's just the paper. you dont really need a piece of paper and an expensive ring & wedding to prove that he loves you and is willing to spend the rest of his life w/ you. right? i mean if you really need that.. arent you a bit too materialistic....

jio_freed 0

wow you're complaining that your possible future husband is money concience? people will do anything for attention these days

The tax breaks are nice though....

mini_munny 0

umm... sorry to kill your boyfriend's excitement, but you should let him know that there aren't tax benefits to being married. You have to be married with at least a kid for it to be beneficial. A married couple will end up getting less (or paying more) than two independent people living together since there's a combined income now.