Manly man

By MCForty - 27/02/2015 15:29 - United States - Charlotte

Today, I won a pool game against some guy. His friends started mocking him for getting his ass whooped by a pregnant girl who couldn't even lean over the table. He got mad, swung his pool stick at them, missed, and hit me right in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 014
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

20bricks 28

Seems like he wasn't exactly on cue.

What a sore loser >_> Hope you're okay OP :( that sounds painful.


It seems he overestimated his skills with the cue (or as some people here call it pool stick) even if there were no balls involved...

Don't be a sore loser :). I hope you're okay though

What a sore loser; hope he didn't hit you too hard. But still sue his ass for assault.

sounds like he needs some anger management classes. hope you don't have a concussion.

Let me guess...leaning over the pool table is how you got pregnant in the first place.

PizzaElHutt 7