Make it stop

By Anonymous - 10/01/2016 13:17 - United States - Waldorf

Today, I met my new upstairs neighbors. They have a four-month-old child and appear to be firm believers in the "let them cry it out" philosophy. The baby's room is right above mine. A few days of trying to sleep through this shit and I'll look like a Walking Dead extra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 532
You deserved it 1 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you and NyQuil will become great friends. Also might wanna sleep while listening to soft music or something

It's not his responsibility to learn to sleep through someone else's baby constantly crying he's not responsible for anyone else's kid nor should anyone's baby be disturbing him in his own home.


Lol it's a ******* baby, what do you expect? I hate people that get sooky when babies cry. What else is it going to do?

Earplugs- or put your earbuds under your pillow to listen to music... I had a roommate who loved to hit snooze about 8 times...

Ugh, I totally sympathize with the hell you're going through. I think babies are the scourge of the Earth, and if I had one move in right above me, you could bet I'd be moving out ASAP. Sadly, I think that's your only option here. You can try calling management or the cops, but unless you're in an age-restricted area (which would usually be 55 and over, so not generally of childbearing age), there's probably not much anyone can do. Unfortunately, babies communicate exclusively through ear-splitting shrieks, and you can't exactly arrest them or their parents for doing what they do naturally.

Babies are the scourge of the earth? I'd be interested in how you expect humanity to procreate...

There are more than enough people reproducing for some people to hate babies. Chill.

Dude, the earth is so severely overpopulated it doesn't matter if this guy does or doesn't like kids. Currently, I despise babies. Not everyone enjoys them, it isn't a big deal. It's just a personal preference.

sylvienoir 18

I only like 2 babies right now. My 4 yr old brother in law and my 6 month old niece. Any other children annoy the hell out of me unless they're very considerate and adorable. Most are shit eating, disease carrying, shrieking banshees. Those don't make for a good and productive society.

At a certain age, parents have to let their babies cry it out. Otherwise as toddlers they know they can just cry when they need something. Idk maybe they're starting too soon. Don't worry OP, the baby will stop crying eventually!

I kind of depends on their age. Up until a certain age, a kid cries because it needs something, nothing else. The 'let them cry it out' doesn't work at that age. The child seeks food, comfort or something else and won't stop crying until they get it.

Four months is that age. It's generally when sleep training is recommended. Four month olds are starting to notice crying=attention and will cry when they want attention (which is all fine and dandy when it's not bedtime). At four months old, my daughter figured out if she coughed, mom and dad dropped everything and came to her. So she fake coughed. A lot. We had to learn to watch her for a second to make sure she wasn't in distress, and ignore the fake coughs, to show her that it wasn't okay. It took about a week and she was on to something else.

I'm not a parent, but I remember my mom telling us about how she had to just let my twin and me cry for a few nights and then we quieted down. Four months seems like the right age to start. It seems like OP needs to have an adult conversation with them rather than avoid the situation or make it worse by calling the cops.

That sucks. Complain to your complex (I'm assuming this is in an apartment complex) and get earbuds. People seem to think that just because they created a human life they can get away with anything, and that's just ridiculous.

sp00derman 23

could you try a white noise machine?

So they're into the "neglect your child" type of parenting. I wonder how that will work out for them. Children cry because that's the only language they speak, but it always means they need something, they're hungry, they're in pain, or maybe they just want attention. I have two children, and I am by no means a helicopter parent, but when they were babies it required a lot of hard work and sleepless nights. It's paid off well. I'm very close to my kids and they are both happy, well adjusted, do well in school, are well behaved and almost universally liked by their teachers, their peers, and my friends. "Cry it out" parenting isn't parenting. It's neglectful and abusive and just an excuse to keep playing video games. Shame on them. Sorry for the rant. Parents like that piss me off.

Just because your method worked doesn't mean that everyone else's chosen method is automatically wrong. Your post comes across as rude, narrow-minded and intolerant.

Actually #69, that narrow and intolerant comment you're bashing can be backed by not only behavioral studies, MRIs, heart scans, body scans, brain chemical levels, etc., but also by basic common sense. What can yours be backed by again? Oh right. Nothing.

Guilty. I am pretty intolerant of child neglect and abuse. I'm sorry my opinion offends you.

So you picked your kids up ANY time they cried? I've been around babies, I've watched a little baby cry just to be held. And no, he wasn't neglected. His mother just couldn't hold him constantly considering she had to also tend to a 1 and a half year old sister. He often even cried if his dad was holding him because he wanted mom. They shouldn't be letting it go on for such a long time, but ignorantly tossing those who don't jump at the baby's every cry in with neglectful parents is stupid.

Couldn't agree with you more. If you think it's a nuisance when your child needs comfort perhaps you should consider getting a cat instead of having children.

For all of the people saying file a noise complaint/call the cops/cps... You should know that in most places families are protected from noise complaints due to children crying. Chances are at 4 months it's probably a collicky baby. Sometimes you really do need to just put the baby down and walk away. They can be overwhelming sometimes.

Well if the child is that hysterical the parents should do SOMETHING. Write a letter out to other residents explaining what's happening, putting noise mufflers in the room, or if relatives live nearby possibly setting up a system where the baby might stay with its grandparents/etc 2 nights a week. They can't expect people to be great with it just because it's a baby. If I had to get up to work every day I would be very frustrated. Nobody else signed on to share their burden. After a certain point most lose their tolerance.

That is ridiculous. The parents are definitely not obligated to do that. They are probably already so busy trying to stay above water with the kid and whatever else is going on. That is just dumb, all it takes is a little understanding from those around them, also if they want to avoid all children, they should go live in an adult only building.

I guess it's just what background you come from. Where I come from people are very individual and never expect their neighbors to put up with disturbances. Nobody with babies ever lives in apartments around here, they either buy houses to begin with or move out afterward. My community appears to be much less understanding than yours, so I hold a different opinion.

Housing is painfully expensive in Canada. So yes, I am more understanding. Also I have family and friends who have children. You are also very young, I doubt you've really looked into how much housing and childcare cost.

I agree that the parents should make an effort to apologize to their neighbors, and I'm more the old enough to know the cost of housing and child care. Even just a note "we're sorry for the noise please bare with us while we sleep train our child" would make MOST neighbors more understanding. On a side note, I don't have any kids because we decided to have a house before having kids so that we wouldn't be the people like OPs neighbors.

Exactly, I have put my son down because he wouldn't stop crying and I was getting frustrated. It's what you're supposed to do. I doubt they want to send their child away either and I doubt grandparents want a child that small in their house over night yet. I exclusively breastfeed and I know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to pump every week to send my child to someone's house for a couple of nights. Show some compassion, as a mother I know how hard it can be. I was blessed with a rather easy baby who can have his moments every once and a while but some parents have colicky babies are that won't stop crying and are INCONSOLABLE. That is what colic is! Grow up and let them deal with their child, you have no right to tell them how to parent. I do not believe in the CIO method but I believe that you should never tell someone else how to parent.

idiots. You can't use the "cry it out" method on a 4 month old, at that point they're so young their cries are always for a specific reason.

Benderama 8

I don't know if you have kids or not but sometime the only way is to just let them cry or else they won't learn