
By Nancy - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after being at summer camp for two weeks, my parents never showed up to take me home. A counselor had to drive me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 702
You deserved it 3 200

Top comments

Well, you could have talked with him on the way home if he was a cool counselor.

Butter_Knife 0

OP should have ran away and joined the circus. With the money that he would have earned by working at the circus they could have hired a professional hitman, who then could have killed OP's parents. ....atleast that's what I would have done.


dangitsalex 2

How is this an FML? That happened to me before, I didn't really care.

Butter_Knife 0

OP should have ran away and joined the circus. With the money that he would have earned by working at the circus they could have hired a professional hitman, who then could have killed OP's parents. ....atleast that's what I would have done.

FFML_314 11

It's a sign OP, it's a sign.

anlhawks 5

suxxx op haha you have excellent parents. maybe the mixed up the date?

Drakorex 10

It wasn't an accident that they didn't pick you up. You're distgusting and they're embarassed to be seen with you in public.

The_grumpy_bear 0

Parents suck. Time to move out or at least plan to by the time your 18.

LightningLadyy 0

did u not get the hint after they sent u away

cooleyo776 0

18 ur a ****** up person..........

nikki908 3

Jesus Christ 39. You're disgusting for saying that. You're probably just being an ass on here, so, let's go with that... OP, I feel for you. That happened to me once, but I had to ask a random stranger to take me home. Not enjoyable.

msyelowbubblegum 0

Cheer up kiddo. Maybe they were just planning on saving gas... yah know, the economic times being rough and all. :3


mayb they were getting it on dey need to *** to lol

I guess OP's parents didn't realize summer camp is a temporary solution to the otherwise failed attempt to get rid of the OP for good. FYL OP, your parents suck.

Davidx1 0

Well that sucks, Fyl and the counselors life :

uglyduckling047 0

Yeah, this happened to me too, Some parents just don't really care. My parents made me walk to my own graduation and forgot to pick me up too.

floppychang 0

its funny cause his parents dont love her.

They were probably at the movies.

Wrong - #18 is a genius - for comic effect. My only criticism of #18's plan is hiring a hitman - that's a bit lame given the context. It would have been better to have a rampant affair with one of the circus' animal trainers, and then get them to make the elephants tromple your parents; or get the fire-breather to burn their house down...

and when you came home did you find them having sex on the couch?

I would've stayed at camp if I were you. :|

Well, you could have talked with him on the way home if he was a cool counselor.

Aww that sucks! That happened to me once.

I was talking about the op dude haha.

@110: Kein Problem. :o) I schreibe manchmal auf Deutsch und ich weiß daß ich schade diese arme Sprache im jedem Satzt. Ehrlich, ich spreche Deutsch nicht - aber statt dessen habe ich mein eigener Dielekt :o)

BabyDacey 0

omgg i woulda stayed at camp too.. thats mean

#6- please spell the word counsellor right if you are going to correct..

ryansims 0

Maybe they forgot? Sometimes happens. Now if it happened more than once, I would be pissed. Yell at them!

At least you could find someone to drive you; it would have been much worse otherwise.