
By Nancy - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after being at summer camp for two weeks, my parents never showed up to take me home. A counselor had to drive me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 703
You deserved it 3 200

Top comments

Well, you could have talked with him on the way home if he was a cool counselor.

Butter_Knife 0

OP should have ran away and joined the circus. With the money that he would have earned by working at the circus they could have hired a professional hitman, who then could have killed OP's parents. ....atleast that's what I would have done.


rylove01 0

That happened to me, i had to wait 3 hours for my mom to come pick me up cuz she thought it wasnt til the next day to come pick me up. I ended up having fun waiting tho. So iz not rly that bad. Suck it up.

And when you came home you ran in crying, thinking your parents had tried to get rid of you.

only bad kids go to summer camp. must have been their way of saying re adopted

Jonsey92 0

fyl.. ur family left u there in purpose and went to a vacation that last forever in Mexico 

knibbsy 4

True, maybe smoked a doobie, or sniffed some nose candy on the way. Nancy? Summer camp? What is this, 1969? Someone pinch me, I think I'm living an episode of The Wonder Years.

skyeyez9 24

My dad used to drop me off at my soccer practices and be extremely late picking me up. :/ I was a 9yr old girl, sitting alone in a soccer field at dusk.....I'm suprised I wasn't kidnapped by some pedo. This was back in the late 80's and kids being alone was more common. Not saying it was right, but it happened alot. Sitting out there for an hour or more after practice is over, listening to coyotes, an occasional creep offering me a ride home, alone at dark is the main reason why I hated soccer nowadays.

skyeyez9 24

FYI, the 2-3 week summer camps are very expensive! Which was why I never went. A 2 week summer camp in my area (colorado) is $4000.