Looking for love in Alderaan places

By not4geeks - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went out on a first date with a cute guy. Turns out we won't be going on a date again because I didn't know the difference between "Star Wars" and "Star Trek." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 701
You deserved it 73 999

Top comments

How do you not know the difference? YDI. I'm a girl, and I'd dump you for that. It's proof positive that your interests clash.

lookitsnatash 0

Guess the Force wasn't with you


Star Trek wins! :D (Though Star Wars is great too.) Sorry, you lose. :X

How do you NOT know the difference? 0.o

zbots 0

So where have you been for the past 30 years?

Curtieeeez 0

OK,, i dont no anything either but i think of it this way,, star treck: pointy-ear people with red/blue/yellow outfits. star wars: The ones with those lazer sword things and the fat yoda guy. :)

Is that the one with the guy in it? Y'know, the one that starts with a small spaceship being attacked by a larger one which directly leads to a rebellious young boy who lives with his step-parent and dreams of outer space, only to meet an older wise man who knew his true father, and asks him to join some crazy space mission and visits a bar full of aliens. Then has to go on a rescue mission on a big ship in order to save someone with that partner he originally hated, but ends up becoming good friends with by the end. And then, they end up destroying the evil large ship that could destroy planets, and medals are given out at the end in some great ceremony.

Luneth101 0

Lol, that's just the plot for the new Star Trek movie and the first Star Wars, not the entire series of Star Trek. I think the OP is talking about the original TV show Star Trek, not the new movie. Good point though.

How do you not know ... I don't like either but I still know the difference. It's pretty much common sense.

although i know the difference. 4 is absolutely right. looks like you dodged a bullet. if he dumps you for that he's ridiculous.

A bit stupid from him to dump you for that but then again it ain't that hard to keep a broad scale of interest in the world. Just read the news, see a movie once and a while and read magazines. Even about things you're not really interested in...