Looking for love in Alderaan places

By not4geeks - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went out on a first date with a cute guy. Turns out we won't be going on a date again because I didn't know the difference between "Star Wars" and "Star Trek." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 701
You deserved it 73 999

Top comments

How do you not know the difference? YDI. I'm a girl, and I'd dump you for that. It's proof positive that your interests clash.

lookitsnatash 0

Guess the Force wasn't with you


lol 9 is win. live long and prosper nerds XD sucks he wont see ya again but ydi cuz you dont know the difference.

Trix_Disorder 20

What the ****, way to go. If you're clueless enough to not know the difference between those two very prominent pop-culture topics, then I'm glad you two won't be going out again. You must be young. Besides, it's obvious you two have different interests. @ everyone calling dork/nerd/w/e You don't have to be a nerd, or a genius to know the difference. Come on.

I'm not entirely into those things and I know the difference! Jeez... It surprises me how they don't know...

Doesn't matter how "cute" he is. If you didn't have that in common, or know what he was talking about, then he might have assumed you might not have other things in common. You never really know what some one's going to be into based on a first impression or first date. He might have missed out on a really decent person for judging you on that. It's really his loss that he couldn't think of something you both had in common to talk about.

Two of the biggest cultural phenomena the last 50 years and you have no idea what either of them is? You totally deserved it.

AntiChrist7 0

girls only date idiots. don't care either for the difference. next time, inform what his intrests are instead of dating someone because he looks cute. YDI

Good grief... YDI for that. I don't like SW or the original Trek, but at least I know the difference between the two, and you should, given how well-known they are as part of popular culture and have been for years!

#12 it's true you don't have to be a geek to know the difference but it takes a real geek to bring it up on the first date :) I don't know the difference either. But the new star trek movie is sth I might watch xD

It means you don't share his interests. Why would you want to date him?