Looking for love in Alderaan places

By not4geeks - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went out on a first date with a cute guy. Turns out we won't be going on a date again because I didn't know the difference between "Star Wars" and "Star Trek." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 701
You deserved it 73 999

Top comments

How do you not know the difference? YDI. I'm a girl, and I'd dump you for that. It's proof positive that your interests clash.

lookitsnatash 0

Guess the Force wasn't with you


How can you not know the difference? Stupid bitch. He deserves better. Hopefully he likes Star Trek better. :3

The_Suit_Guy 0

YDI I can understand something like not knowing which one has the warp core and which one has the hyper drive, but come on; Star Wars and Star Trek area cultural phenomenonn thathas beenn around for at least 25 years and both have had a huge impact on the Western world.

I'm not into either, but even I know the difference, haha

Tragic (for him). Better off with-out him... Smile beautiful—someone else will notice :)

Yeash....even I know the difference, even though I can only name the main-main characters in each. (Star Trek having multiple 'generations' only makes it worse. Still can't remember the captain's name for Voyager)

xanth 0

Frankly, I'd just automatically assume that anyone who didn't know the difference between the two was too clueless for me to date. Don't get me wrong, that wouldn't be a deal breaker for me but it would be a really, really bad sign.

Darth_Taco 14

As as Star Wars geek, I am offended. Hell, as a human being I am offended. Star Wars and Star Trek have shaped our world in completely different ways (from pop culture to politics). Not just that, but how do you not know the difference? Have you been living under a rock since the 60's? You don't have to be into either, but geez, how do you not know the difference? I'm going to renew my faith in humanity by geeking out. People of the internet! I am aware that I am a hopeless geek! A proud geek! A proud, hopeless geek that might be your child's doctor one day :D.

Wow. Really now? YDI Yea, girl here, and I would ditch you for not knowing the diff. The only thing they really have in common is outer space. Plots are different and totally different characters. Not to mention one was originally a T.V. show. That's pretty painful. Still if you were only going with him cause he's cute then I could see why you didn't know. Then again, you could have thought you had something in common and it just wasn't enough, but still... Tsk tsk tsk. Know your Sci-fi and you'll get an awesome geek. They're the best kind of lovers!