Lonely days

By beckbr - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I asked a little old lady in line at my work why she wasn't out enjoying the beautiful day with all her friends. Her response, "I'd love to, but they're all dead." FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 389
You deserved it 29 935

Top comments

"Well, look on the bright side. Your enemies must all be dead too!"


This one is just depressing if it's real. Sounds far-fetched to me.

I don't think you deserved it at all but this is not an fml though. Just extremely awkward.

Try talking to her a little we should try and break generation barriers so that we can all get along... Think when you're older and in this position, you wouldn't have to be without friends if young people and older people hung out and tried to understand each other

Try talking to her a little we should try and break generation barriers so that we can all get along... Think when you're older and in this position, you wouldn't have to be without friends if young people and older people hung out and tried to understand each other

linzilady 0

Awwwww! That's so sad! And extremely awkward. It's sort of an F both your lives thing.

Embarassment 0

Doesn't really seem to be your fault. I doubt this f'd your life up. Maybe just f'd her day up.

They are all dead because she killed and ate them

That is sad, & you should be her friend (: