Life and soul of the party

By Anonymous - 01/01/2016 10:08 - United States - San Antonio

Today, during a party, my drunk mother stumbled over to take a picture of me and my brother. She told me to put a party blower in my mouth for the picture, but I politely declined. She threatened to spank me in front of everyone if I didn't do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 625
You deserved it 2 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ScottVining 21

Glad to know my moms not the only one who gets annoyingly drunk at parties.


Hey I have drunk new Year's mom stories as well.Just go with it next time.

There you go people. Never let drunk mothers handle cameras.

FalloutScrolls 25

Your mother sounds like a fun drunk.

disasterlydeed 26

Lol, I want to party with your mom! She sounds like a blast.

Railroader 16

Sounds like something my mother in law would say

On the bright side.. She could of said something way worse than that.

hipposteve 21

humour her and appreciate her silly request while you have her! these memories are priceless

Well least she didn't though!!!! Right....0.0