Kinda sus

By Anonymous - 10/06/2016 14:28 - Canada - Montréal

Today, I was rubbing my dog's belly. My wife came in and thought I was jerking him off. She wouldn't believe my explanation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 709
You deserved it 1 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because jerking a dog off is more believable than a belly rub...


Wtf? Why would that be the first conclusion that she comes to? I can only imagine that she was in a situation like this when she was younger. Maybe she's old enough to remember that whole dog jerking craze from the late 70's? These things come back into style eventually. It happens with fashion. We should expect cat humping to return soon then.

Then you should have stood up and accused her of beasility if she was thinking that in the first place! :D

Perhaps your wife thought you were celebrating a recent Canadian court ruling a bit too enthusiastically?

I think we are missing some information here, does op have a background of dirty actions ? because if his wife is making that assumption that quick it has to be reason.

crazyindynathan 13

I'd be careful, she may just be trying to make an excuse to get rid of the dog.

Unless your wife is unreasonable, you must have given a reason to think so.

Your wife is either completely a completely unbalanced, sex obsessed freak, or an alien who has never heard of dogs before and has no idea how humans interact with them.

Sonotsuave 35

I cant believe this is the funniest and most innocent crime of the day. Bless your innocence bro.